Chapter 18. Command Line Interface
The FB9000 provides a traditional command-line interface (CLI) environment that can be used to check status information, and control some aspects
of the unit's operation.
The CLI is accessed via the 'telnet' protocol - the FB9000 implements a telnet server, which you can connect to using any common telnet client
program. To learn how to enable the telnet server, and to set-up access restrictions, please refer to Section 13.4.
The CLI is not normally used to change the configuration of the unit - that must be done via the web interface.
Whilst most commands can be carried out via the web interface, there are a few that can only be performed via the CLI.
The CLI has the following features :-
- full line-editing capabilities - that cursor-keys, backspace key and delete key function as expected allowing you to go back and
insert/delete characters. You can press Enter at any point in the command-line text, and the full command text will be processed.
- command history memory - the CLI remembers a number of previously typed commands, and these can be recalled using the Up and Down cursor keys.
Once you've located the required command, you can edit it if needed, and then press Enter.
- supports entering abbreviated commands - you only need to type sufficient characters to make the command un-ambiguous ; for example,
'show dhcp' and 'show dns' can be abbreviated to 'sh dh' and 'sh dn' respectively - 'show' is the only command word that begins "sh", and two characters of the
second command word are sufficient to make it un-ambiguous.
- built-in command help - you can list all the available commands, and the CLI will also show the synopsis for each command. Typing the ? character at the
command-prompt immediately displays this list (you do not have to press Enter). Alternatively, you can list all the possible completions of a part-typed command - in this case, typing the ? character after typing part of a command will list only
commands that begin with the already-typed characters, for example, typing
tr ?
causes the CLI to respond as shown below :-
marty> tr
traceroute <IPNameAddr> [table=<routetable>] [source=<IPAddr>] ...
marty> tr
After listing the possible commands, the CLI re-displays the command line typed so far, which you can then complete.
Please refer to Appendix I for command details.