The system settings are the top level attributes of the system which apply globally.
Table I.3. system: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
acme-directory | string | | ACME server directory |
acme-hostname | List of string | - | Public hostname(s) for FireBrick for HTTPS |
acme-keygen | boolean | true | Automatically obtain private keys as needed |
acme-profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile for when to do ACME renewals |
acme-renew | positiveInteger | 30 | Renewal before expiry (days) |
acme-source-ip | IP46Addr | - | Source IP for ACME renewal |
acme-terms-agreed-email | string | - | Put your email if you agree CA terms |
auto-backup-url | string | - | URL to http POST after config changed |
comment | string | - | Comment |
contact | string | - | Contact name |
string | - | Contact email | |
eth-rx-batch | unsignedInt | 20 | Max packets serviced on one port before rechecking other port for idle |
eth-rx-qsize | unsignedInt | 2000 | Size of eth driver Rx queue |
eth-tx-qsize | unsignedInt | 2000 | Size of eth driver Tx queue |
intro | string | - | Home page text |
lacp-hot-standby | lacp-hot-standby | nosync | Allow LACP to use hot standby |
location | string | - | Location description |
log | NMTOKEN | Web/console | Log system events |
log-acme | NMTOKEN | - | Log ACME |
log-acme-debug | NMTOKEN | - | Log ACME debug |
log-acme-error | NMTOKEN | - | Log ACME errors |
log-config | NMTOKEN | Web/Flash/console | Log config load |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log system debug messages |
log-diagnostic | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log system diagnostic messages |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Web/Flash/console | Log system errors |
log-eth | NMTOKEN | Web/console | Log Ethernet messages |
log-eth-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log Ethernet debug |
log-eth-error | NMTOKEN | Web/Flash/console | Log Ethernet errors |
log-ppp-dump | ppp-dump | - | PPP dump format |
log-route-nexthop | NMTOKEN | Not logged | Log next hop changes |
log-stats | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log one second stats |
log-support | NMTOKEN | Web logs | Log support messages (e.g. stack trace) |
log-tcp-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log TCP/TLS debug messages |
login-intro | string | - | Login page text |
name | string | - | System hostname |
panic-stack-bytes | unsignedInt | 0 | Stack context for certain panics (bvtes) |
pre-reboot-url | string | - | URL to GET prior to s/w reboot (typically to warn nagios) |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
spoof-mac | (hexBinary) macspoof | - | Spoof MAC base address - use with caution! |
sw-update | autoloadtype | false | Load new software automatically |
sw-update-delay | (unsignedByte 0-30) fb-sw-update-delay | 0 | Number of days after release to wait before automatically upgrading |
sw-update-profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name for when to load new s/w |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for system functions (s/w updates, etc) |
tcp-stealth | boolean | false | Ignore (as opposed to reject) TCP to the FireBrick itself that isn't accepted |
Default source IP for traffic originated by this FireBrick
Table I.6. routing-table: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | - | Name |
source-ip | IP46Addr | - | Default source IP for services |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | Not optional | Routing table number |
User names, passwords and abilities for admin users
Table I.7. user: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
allow | List of IPNameRange | - | Restrict logins to be from specific IP addresses |
comment | string | - | Comment |
config | config-access | full | Config access level |
full-name | string | - | Full name |
level | user-level | ADMIN | Login level |
local-only | boolean | false | Restrict access to locally connected Ethernet subnets only |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logged | Log events |
name | (NMTOKEN) username | Not optional | User name |
otp-seed | OTP | - | OTP seed (do not edit by hand) |
password | Password | Not optional | User password |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Restrict login to specific routing table |
timeout | duration | 5:00 | Login idle timeout (zero to stay logged in, not recommended) |
Identities, passwords and access methods for access controlled with EAP
Table I.8. eap: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
full-name | string | - | Full name |
methods | Set of eap-method | Not optional | Allowed methods |
name | string | Not optional | User or account name |
password | Secret | Not optional | User password |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
subsystem | eap-subsystem | Not optional | Access controlled subsystem |
Named logging target
Table I.9. log: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
colour | Colour | - | Colour used in web display |
comment | string | - | Comment |
console | boolean | - | Log immediately to console |
flash | boolean | - | Log immediately to slow flash memory (use with care) |
jtag | boolean | - | Log immediately jtag (development use only) |
name | NMTOKEN | Not optional | Log target name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
system | boolean | - | Include system logs on web/cli view |
Table I.10. log: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
log-email | Optional, unlimited | Email settings | |
syslog | log-syslog | Optional, unlimited | Syslog settings |
Logging to a syslog server
Table I.11. log-syslog: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
facility | syslog-facility | LOCAL0 | Facility setting |
port | unsignedShort | 514 | Server port |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
server | IPNameAddr | Not optional | Syslog server |
severity | syslog-severity | NOTICE | Severity setting |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
source-ip | IPAddr | - | Use specific source IP |
system-logs | boolean | - | Include generic system log messages as well |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for sending syslogs |
Logging to email
Table I.12. log-email: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
delay | duration | 1:00 | Delay before sending, since first event to send |
from | string | One made up using serial number | Source email address |
hold-off | duration | 1:00:00 | Delay before sending, since last email |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log emailing process |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log emailing debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log emailing errors |
port | unsignedShort | 25 | Server port |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
retry | duration | 10:00 | Delay before sending, since failed send |
server | IPNameAddr | - | Smart host to use rather than MX |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
subject | string | From first line being logged | Subject |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for sending email |
to | string | Not optional | Target email address |
System services are various generic services that the system provides, and allows access controls and settings for these to be specified. The service is only active if the corresponding element is included in services, otherwise it is disabled.
Table I.13. services: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
dns | dns-service | Optional | DNS service settings |
http | http-service | Optional | Web server settings |
snmp | snmp-service | Optional | SNMP server settings |
telnet | telnet-service | Optional | Telnet server settings |
time | time-service | Optional | System time server settings |
Web management pages
Table I.14. http-service: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
access-control-allow-origin | string | - | Additional HTTP header |
allow | List of IPNameRange | Allow from anywhere | List of IP ranges from which service can be accessed |
allow-acme | boolean | true | Allow limited port 80 HTTP access for ACME during renewal |
banner-background | Colour | #bd1220 | Override default colours |
certlist | List of NMTOKEN | use any suitable | Certificate(s) to be used for HTTPS sessions |
comment | string | - | Comment |
config-boxes | Colour | from banner | Config editor colours |
content-security-policy | string | - | Additional HTTP header |
css-url | string | - | Additional CSS for web control pages |
highlight-text | Colour | from banner | Override default colours |
https-port | unsignedShort | 443 | Service port for HTTPS access |
js-url | string | - | Additional javascript for web control pages (logged in/trusted-ip) |
local-only | boolean | true | Restrict access to locally connected Ethernet subnets only |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-client | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log client accesses |
log-client-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log client accesses (debug) |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
mode | http-mode | redirect-to-https-if-acme | Security mode |
port | unsignedShort | 80 | Service port for HTTP access |
referrer-policy | string | no-referrer | Additional HTTP header |
self-sign | boolean | true | Create self signed certificate for HTTPS when necessary |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | All | Routing table number for access to service |
trusted | List of IPNameRange | - | List of allowed IP ranges from which additional access to certain functions is available |
x-content-type-options | string | nosniff | Additional HTTP header |
x-frame-options | string | SAMEORIGIN | Additional HTTP header |
x-xss-protection | string | 1; mode=block | Additional HTTP header |
DNS forwarding resolver service
Table I.15. dns-service: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
allow | List of IPNameRange | Allow from anywhere | List of IP ranges from which service can be accessed |
auto-dhcp | boolean | - | Forward and reverse DNS for names in DHCP using this domain |
auto-dhcp-new | string | - | Name to use for last new DHCP allocation (since last reboot) |
caching | boolean | true | Cache relayed DNS entries locally |
comment | string | - | Comment |
domain | string | - | Our domain |
fallback | boolean | true | For incoming requests, if no server in required table, relay to any DNS available |
fallback-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | Don't fallback | For incoming requests, if no server in requesting table, relay to any DNS available in this table |
local-only | boolean | true | Restrict access to locally connected Ethernet subnets only |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
log-interface | List of NMTOKEN | All interfaces | Only do normal log for specific interface(s) |
resolvers | List of IPAddr | - | Recursive DNS resolvers to use |
resolvers-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | as table / 0 | Routing table for specified resolvers |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | All | Routing table number for access to service |
DNS forwarding resolver service
Table I.17. dns-host: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
ip | List of IPAddr | Our IP | IP addresses to serve (or our IP if omitted) |
name | List of string | Not optional | Host names (can use * as a part of a domain) |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
restrict-interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Only apply on certain interface(s) |
restrict-to | List of IPNameRange | - | List of IP ranges to which this is served |
reverse | boolean | - | Map reverse DNS as well |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | any | Routing table applicable |
ttl | unsignedInt | 60 | Time to live |
DNS forwarding resolver service
Table I.18. dns-block: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
name | List of string | Not optional | Host names (can use * as a part of a domain) |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
restrict-interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Only apply on certain interface(s) |
restrict-to | List of IPNameRange | - | List of IP ranges to which this is served |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | any | Routing table applicable |
ttl | unsignedInt | 60 | Time to live |
Telnet control interface
Table I.19. telnet-service: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
allow | List of IPNameRange | Allow from anywhere | List of IP ranges from which service can be accessed |
comment | string | - | Comment |
local-only | boolean | true | Restrict access to locally connected Ethernet subnets only |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
port | unsignedShort | 23 | Service port |
prompt | string | system name | Prompt |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | All | Routing table number for access to service |
The SNMP service has general service settings and also specific attributes for SNMP such as community
Table I.20. snmp-service: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
allow | List of IPNameRange | Allow from anywhere | List of IP ranges from which service can be accessed |
comment | string | - | Comment |
community | Secret | public | Community string |
local-only | boolean | false | Restrict access to locally connected Ethernet subnets only |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
port | unsignedShort | 161 | Service port |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | All | Routing table number for access to service |
The time settings define which NTP servers to synchronize the system clock from, and provide controls for daylight saving (summer time). The defaults are those that apply to the EU
Table I.21. time-service: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
allow | List of IPNameRange | Allow from anywhere | List of IP ranges from which service can be accessed |
comment | string | - | Comment |
legacy-timeserver | boolean | false | Serve legacy TIME service on UDP port 37 |
local-only | boolean | true | Restrict access to locally connected Ethernet subnets only |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
maxpoll | duration | 1024 | NTP maximum poll rate |
minpoll | duration | 64 | NTP minimum poll rate |
ntp-control-allow | List of IPNameRange | Allow from anywhere | List of IP ranges from which control (ntpq) requests can be accessed |
ntp-control-local-only | boolean | true | Restrict control (ntpq) access to locally connected Ethernet subnets only |
ntp-control-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | All | Routing table number for incoming control (ntpq) requests |
ntp-peer-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number used for outgoing ntp peer requests |
ntp-servers | List of IPNameAddr | | List of NTP time servers (IP or hostname) from which time may be synchronized and served by ntp (Null list disables NTP) |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | All | Routing table number for access to service |
tz1-name | string | GMT | Timezone 1 name |
tz1-offset | duration | 0 | Timezone 1 offset from UTC |
tz12-date | (unsignedByte 1-31) datenum | 25 | Timezone 1 to 2 earliest date in month |
tz12-day | day | Sun | Timezone 1 to 2 day of week of change |
tz12-month | month | Mar | Timezone 1 to 2 month |
tz12-time | time | 01:00:00 | Timezone 1 to 2 local time of change |
tz2-name | string | BST | Timezone 2 name |
tz2-offset | duration | 1:00:00 | Timezone 2 offset from UTC |
tz21-date | (unsignedByte 1-31) datenum | 25 | Timezone 2 to 1 earliest date in month |
tz21-day | day | Sun | Timezone 2 to 1 day of week of change |
tz21-month | month | Oct | Timezone 2 to 1 month |
tz21-time | time | 02:00:00 | Timezone 2 to 1 local time of change |
Physical port attributes
Table I.22. ethernet: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
autoneg | boolean | true | Perform link auto-negotiation |
clocking | LinkClock | prefer-slave | Gigabit clock setting |
crossover | Crossover | auto | Port crossover configuration |
flow | LinkFlow | none | Flow control setting |
green | LinkLED-g | Link/Activity | Green LED setting |
lacp | boolean | Auto | Send LACP packets |
lldp | boolean | true | Send LLDP packets |
optimise | boolean | true | enable PHY optimisations |
port | port | Not optional | Physical port |
power-saving | LinkPower | full | enable PHY power saving |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
send-fault | LinkFault | - | Send fault status |
yellow | LinkLED-y | Tx | Yellow LED setting |
Packet sampling configuration
Table I.23. sampling: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
agent-ip | IPAddr | use source-ip | IP address used to identify this agent |
collector-ip | IPAddr | Not optional | IP address of collector |
collector-port | unsignedShort | 6343 for sFlow, 4739 for IPFIX | UDP port which collector listens on |
comment | string | - | Comment |
mtu | (unsignedShort 576-2000) mtu | 1500 | |
name | string | - | Name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
protocol | sampling-protocol | sflow | Protocol used to export sampling data |
sample-flush | duration | 1 sec for sFlow; 30 for IPFIX | Sample max cache time |
sample-rate | (unsignedShort 100-10000) sample-rate | 1000 | Sample rate (uniform random prob 1/N) |
snap-length | unsignedShort | 64 | Packet header snap length |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
source-ip | IPAddr | - | Source IP address to use |
source-port | unsignedShort | Use collector-port | UDP source port |
stats-interval | duration | 60 | Stats export interval |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for sample data |
template-refresh | duration | 600 | Template resend interval |
Port grouping and naming
Table I.24. portdef: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
name | NMTOKEN | Not optional | Name |
ports | Set of port | Not optional | Physical port(s) |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
trunk | trunk-mode | l2-hash | Trunk ports |
The interface definition relates to a specific physical port group and VLAN. It includes subnets and VRRP that apply to that interface.
Table I.25. interface: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
cug | (unsignedShort 1-32767) cug | - | Closed user group ID |
cug-restrict | boolean | - | Closed user group restricted traffic (only to/from same CUG ID) |
dhcp-relay | IP4Addr | - | Relay any unresolved requests to external server |
graph | (token) graphname | - | Graph name |
link | NMTOKEN | - | Interface to which this is linked at layer 2 |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-dhcp | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log DHCP events not related to a pool |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
mac-suffix | (hexBinary) macsuffix | - | Interface MAC ends with this hex value |
mtu | (unsignedShort 576-2000) mtu | 1500 | MTU for this interface |
name | NMTOKEN | - | Name |
pd | boolean | If not WAN and no ra-subnet-templates and no ra subnets | Available for IPv6 prefix delegation |
pd-pcp | boolean | true | Accept NAT-PMP / PCP on PD subnets |
ping | IPAddr | - | Ping address to add loss/latency to graph for interface |
port | NMTOKEN | Not optional | Port group name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
restrict-mac | boolean | - | Use only one MAC on this interface |
sampling | sampling-mode | off | Perform sampling |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
source-filter | sfoption | - | Source filter traffic received via this interface |
source-filter-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | interface table | Routing table to use for source filtering checks |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table applicable |
vlan | (unsignedShort 0-4095) vlan | 0 | VLAN ID (0=untagged) |
wan | boolean | - | Do not consider this interface 'local' for 'local-only' checks |
Table I.26. interface: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
dhcp | dhcps | Optional, unlimited | DHCP server settings |
dhcp6-client | dhcp6-client | Optional | DHCPv6 Client |
ra-subnet-template | subnet-template | Optional, unlimited | Subnet options for RA client |
subnet | subnet | Optional, unlimited | IP subnet on the interface |
vrrp | vrrp | Optional, unlimited | VRRP settings |
Subnet settings define the IP address(es) of the FireBrick, and also allow default routes to be set.
Table I.27. subnet: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
accept-dns | boolean | true | Accept DNS servers specified by DHCP |
arp-timeout | unsignedShort | 60 | Max lifetime on ARP and ND |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
broadcast | boolean | false | If broadcast address allowed |
comment | string | - | Comment |
dhcp-class | string | FB-type | DHCP client option 60 (Class) |
dhcp-client-id | string | MAC | DHCP client option 61 (Client-Identifier) |
gateway | List of IPAddr | - | One or more gateways to install |
ip | List of IPSubnet | Automatic by DHCP | One or more IP/len |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref for subnet (highest wins) |
mac-suffix | (hexBinary) macsuffix | - | Subnet MAC ends with this hex value |
mtu | (unsignedShort 576-2000) mtu | As interface | MTU for subnet |
name | string | - | Name |
nat | boolean | false | Short cut to set nat default mode on all IPv4 traffic from subnet (can be overridden by firewall rules) |
pcp | boolean | If nat | Accept NAT-PMP / PCP |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
proxy-arp | boolean | false | Answer ARP/ND by proxy if we have routing |
ra | ramode | false | If to announce IPv6 RA for this subnet |
ra-autonomous | boolean | If managed not set | RA 'A' (autonomous) flag |
ra-dns | List of IP6Addr | Our IP | List of recursive DNS servers in route announcements |
ra-dnssl | List of string | - | List of DNS search domains in route announcements |
ra-managed | boolean | - | RA 'M' (managed) flag |
ra-max | (unsignedShort 4-1800) ra-max | 600 | Max RA send interval |
ra-min | (unsignedShort 3-1350) ra-min | ra-max/3 | Min RA send interval |
ra-mtu | unsignedShort | As subnet | MTU to use on RA |
ra-onlink | boolean | true | RA 'L' (onlink) flag |
ra-other | boolean | - | RA 'O' (other) flag |
ra-profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile, if inactive then forces low priority RA |
simple-dhcpv6 | boolean | - | Simple DHCPv6 server (fixed addresses) |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
test | IPAddr | - | Test link state using ARP/ND for this IP |
ttl | unsignedByte | 64 | TTL for originating traffic via subnet |
Table I.28. subnet-template: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
accept-dns | boolean | True if not set elsewhere | Accept DNS servers specified by DHCP/SLAAC |
comment | string | - | Comment |
gateway-match | List of IPNameRange | Any IP | Apply only to received RAs with a gateway in these IPs |
match-dhcp6-client | boolean | true | Allow matching RAs to be used for an explicit DHCP6 client |
name | string | - | Name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
Table I.29. dhcp6-client: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
accept-dns | boolean | true | |
arp-timeout | unsignedShort | 60 | Max lifetime on ARP and ND |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref for subnet (highest wins) |
mac-suffix | (hexBinary) macsuffix | - | DHCPC MAC ends with this hex value |
mtu | (unsignedShort 576-2000) mtu | As interface | MTU for subnet |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
ttl | unsignedByte | 64 | TTL for originating traffic via subnet |
VRRP settings provide virtual router redundancy for the FireBrick. Profile inactive does not disable vrrp but forces vrrp low priority.
Table I.30. vrrp: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
answer-ping | boolean | true | Whether to answer PING to VRRP IPs when master |
comment | string | - | Comment |
delay | unsignedInt | 60 | Delay after routing established before priority returns to normal |
interval | unsignedShort | 100 | Transit interval (centiseconds) |
ip | List of IPAddr | Not optional | One or more IP addresses to announce |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-error | NMTOKEN | log as event | Log errors |
low-priority | unsignedByte | 1 | Lower priority applicable until routing established |
name | NMTOKEN | - | Name |
preempt | boolean | true | Whether pre-empt allowed |
priority | unsignedByte | 100 | Normal priority |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
use-vmac | boolean | true | Whether to use the special VMAC or use normal MAC |
version3 | boolean | v2 for IPv4, v3 for IPv6 | Use only version 3 |
vrid | unsignedByte | 42 | VRID |
Settings for DHCP server
Table I.31. dhcps: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
boot | IP4Addr | - | Next/boot server |
boot-file | string | - | Boot filename |
broadcast | boolean | - | Broadcast replies even if not requested |
circuit | string | - | Agent info circuit match |
class | string | - | Vendor class match |
client-name | string | - | Client name match |
comment | string | - | Comment |
dns | List of IP4Addr | Our IP | DNS resolvers |
domain | string | From system settings | DNS domain |
domain-search | string | - | DNS domain search list (list will be truncated to fit one attribute) |
force | boolean | - | Send all options even if not requested |
gateway | IP4Subnet | Our IP | Gateway |
graph-prefix | string | - | Prefix to use for allocation auto graphs |
ip | List of IP4Range | | Address pool |
lease | duration | 2:00:00 | Lease length |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-decline | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events (declined) |
log-move | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events (moved) |
log-new | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events (new) |
log-release | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events (released) |
log-renew | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events (renewed) |
log-reuse | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events (reused) |
mac | List up to 12 (hexBinary) macprefix | - | Partial or full client hardware (MAC) addresses (or client-id MAC if specified) |
mac-local | boolean | - | Match only local or non local MAC addresses |
name | string | - | Name |
ntp | List of IP4Addr | Our IP | NTP server |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
syslog | List of IP4Addr | - | Syslog server |
time | List of IP4Addr | Our IP | Time server |
Table I.32. dhcps: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
send | dhcp-attr-hex | Optional, unlimited | Additional attributes to send (hex) |
send-ip | dhcp-attr-ip | Optional, unlimited | Additional attributes to send (IP) |
send-number | dhcp-attr-number | Optional, unlimited | Additional attributes to send (numeric) |
send-string | dhcp-attr-string | Optional, unlimited | Additional attributes to send (string) |
Additional DHCP server attributes (numeric)
Table I.35. dhcp-attr-number: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
force | boolean | - | Send even if not requested |
id | unsignedByte | Not optional | Attribute type code/tag |
name | string | - | Name |
value | unsignedInt | Not optional | Value |
vendor | boolean | - | Add as vendor specific option (under option 43) |
Static routes define prefixes which are permanently in the routing table, and whether these should be announced by routing protocols or not.
Table I.37. route: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
as-path | List up to 10 unsignedInt | - | Custom AS path as if network received |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
gateway | List of IPAddr | Not optional | One or more target gateway IPs |
graph | (token) graphname | - | Graph name |
ip | List of IPPrefix | Not optional | One or more network prefixes |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref of network (highest wins) |
name | string | - | Name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
speed | unsignedInt | - | Egress rate limit (b/s) |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number |
tag | List of Community | - | List of community tags |
Network blocks that are announced but not actually added to internal routes - note that blackhole and nowhere objects can also announce but not add routing.
Table I.38. network: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
as-path | List up to 10 unsignedInt | - | Custom AS path as if network received |
bgp | bgpmode | true | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
ip | List of IPPrefix | Not optional | One or more network prefixes |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref of network (highest wins) |
name | string | - | Name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number |
tag | List of Community | - | List of community tags |
Networks that go nowhere
Table I.39. blackhole: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
as-path | List up to 10 unsignedInt | - | Custom AS path as if network received |
bgp | bgpmode | false | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
ip | List of IPPrefix | Not optional | One or more network prefixes |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref of network (highest wins) |
name | string | - | Name |
no-fib | boolean | - | Route not in forwarding, only for EBGP |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number |
tag | List of Community | - | List of community tags |
Loopback addresses define local IP addresses
Table I.40. loopback: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
as-path | List up to 10 unsignedInt | - | Custom AS path as if network received |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
ip | List of IPAddr | Not optional | One or more local network addresses |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref of network (highest wins) |
name | string | - | Name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number |
tag | List of Community | - | List of community tags |
This defines a set of named rules for mapping and filtering of prefixes to/from a BGP peer.
Table I.42. namedbgpmap: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
match | bgprule | Optional, unlimited | List rules, in order of checking |
An individual rule for BGP mapping/filtering
Table I.43. bgprule: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
as-origin | unsignedInt | - | AS that must be last in path to match |
as-present | unsignedInt | - | AS that must be present in path to match |
comment | string | - | Comment |
community | Community | - | Community that must be present to match |
detag | List of Community | - | List of community tags to remove |
drop | boolean | - | Do not import/export this prefix |
localpref | unsignedInt | - | Set localpref (highest wins) |
med | unsignedInt | - | Set MED |
name | string | - | Name |
no-community | Community | - | Community that must not be present to match |
pad | unsignedByte | - | Pad (prefix stuff) our AS on export by this many, can be zero to not send our AS |
prefix | List of IPFilter | - | Prefixes that this rule applies to |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
tag | List of Community | - | List of community tags to add |
The BGP element defines general BGP settings and a list of peer definitions for the individual BGP peers.
Table I.44. bgp: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
as | unsignedInt | - | Our AS |
blackhole-community | Community | - | Community tag to mark black hole routes |
cluster-id | IP4Addr | - | Our cluster ID |
comment | string | - | Comment |
dead-end-community | Community | - | Community tag to mark dead end routes |
greyhole-community | Community | - | Community tag to mark black hole routes with no-fib |
id | IP4Addr | - | Our router ID |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
name | string | - | Name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number |
Table I.45. bgp: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
peer | bgppeer | Optional, up to 50 | List of peers/neighbours |
The peer definition specifies the attributes of an individual peer. Multiple IP addresses can be specified, typically for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for the same peer, but this can be used for a group of similar peers.
Table I.46. bgppeer: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
add-own-as | boolean | - | Add our AS on exported routes |
allow-export | boolean | true for customer | Ignore no-export community and export anyway |
allow-only-their-as | boolean | - | Only accept routes that are solely the peers AS |
allow-own-as | boolean | - | Allow our AS inbound |
as | unsignedInt | - | Peer AS |
blackhole-community | Community | Not announced on EBGP, our blackhole-community if IBGP | Egress community tag to mark black hole routes |
capability-as4 | boolean | true | If supporting AS4 |
capability-graceful-restart | boolean | true | If supporting Graceful Restart |
capability-mpe-ipv4 | boolean | true | If supporting MPE for IPv4 |
capability-mpe-ipv6 | boolean | true | If supporting MPE for IPv6 |
capability-route-refresh | boolean | true | If supporting Route Refresh |
clean-shutdown-wait | duration | 30 | Resend routes at low priority when +ve, withdraw routes when -ve and delay for the absolute value on shutdown |
clean-startup-wait | duration | - | Don't announce routes within this time of reboot |
comment | string | - | Comment |
drop-default | boolean | false | Ignore default route received |
export-filters | List of NMTOKEN | - | Named export filters to apply |
export-med | unsignedInt | - | Set MED on exported routes (unless export filter sets it) |
holdtime | unsignedInt | 30 | Hold time |
ignore-bad-optional-partial | boolean | true | Ignore routes with a recognised badly formed optional that is flagged partial |
import-filters | List of NMTOKEN | - | Named import filters to apply |
import-localpref | unsignedInt | - | Set localpref on imported routes (unless import filter sets it) |
import-tag | List of Community | - | List of community tags to add in addition to any import filters |
in-soft | boolean | - | Mark received routes as soft |
ip | List of IPAddr | - | One or more IPs of neighbours (omit to allow incoming) |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
max-prefix | (unsignedInt 1-10000) bgp-prefix-limit | 10000 | Limit prefixes (IPv4+IPv6) |
md5 | Secret | - | MD5 signing secret |
name | string | - | Name |
next-hop-self | boolean | false | Force us as next hop outbound |
no-fib | boolean | - | Don't include received routes in packet forwarding |
pad | unsignedByte | - | Pad (prefix stuff) our AS on export by this many |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
reduce-recursion | boolean | false | Override incoming next hop if not local subnet |
restart-time | unsignedShort | - | Time to tell other end to expect us to take to restart (defaults to holdtime) |
same-ip-type | boolean | true | Only accept/send IPv4 routes to IPv4 peers and IPv6 routes to IPv6 peers |
send-default | boolean | false | Send a default route to this peer |
send-no-routes | boolean | false | Don't send any normal routes |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
timer-idle | unsignedInt | 60 | Idle time after error |
timer-openwait | unsignedInt | 10 | Time to wait for OPEN on connection |
timer-retry | unsignedInt | 10 | Time to retry the neighbour |
ttl-security | byte | - | Enable RFC5082 TTL security (if +ve, 1 to 127), i.e. 1 for adjacent router. If -ve (-1 to -128) set forced sending TTL, i.e. -1 for TTL of 1 sending, and not checking. |
type | peertype | normal | Type of neighbour (affects some defaults) |
use-vrrp-as-self | boolean | true if customer/transit type | Use VRRP address as self if possible |
This defines the rules for mapping and filtering of prefixes to/from a BGP peer.
Table I.48. bgpmap: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
detag | List of Community | - | List of community tags to remove |
drop | boolean | - | Do not import/export this prefix |
localpref | unsignedInt | - | Set localpref (highest wins) |
med | unsignedInt | - | Set MED |
prefix | List of IPFilter | - | Drop all that are not in this prefix list |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
tag | List of Community | - | List of community tags to add |
Table I.49. bgpmap: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
match | bgprule | Optional, unlimited | List rules, in order of checking |
Constant quality monitoring (graphs and data) have a number of settings. Most of the graphing settings can be overridden when a graph is collected so these define the defaults in many cases.
Table I.50. cqm: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
auto-refresh-list | boolean | true | Auto refresh graph list pages (for trusted IPs) |
ave | Colour | #08f | Colour for average latency |
axis | Colour | black | Axis colour |
background | Colour | white | Background colour |
bottom | unsignedByte | 11 | Pixels space at bottom of graph |
dateformat | string | %Y-%m-%d | Date format |
dayformat | string | %a | Day format |
fail | Colour | red | Colour for failed (dropped) seconds |
fail-level | unsignedInt | 1 | Fail level not expected on low usage |
fail-level1 | unsignedByte | 3 | Loss level 1 |
fail-level2 | unsignedByte | 50 | Loss level 2 |
fail-score | unsignedByte | 200 | Score for fail and low usage |
fail-score1 | unsignedByte | 100 | Score for on/above level 1 |
fail-score2 | unsignedByte | 200 | Score for on/above level 2 |
fail-usage | unsignedInt | 128000 | Usage below which fail is not expected |
fblogo | Colour | #bd1220 | Colour for logo |
graticule | Colour | grey | Graticule colour |
heading | string | - | Heading of graph |
hourformat | string | %H | Hour format |
key | unsignedByte | 90 | Pixels space for key |
label-ave | string | Ave | Label for average latency |
label-damp | string | Damp% | Label for % shaper damping |
label-fail | string | %Fail | Label for seconds (%) failed |
label-latency | string | Latency | Label for latency |
label-max | string | Max | Label for maximum latency |
label-min | string | Min | Label for minimum latency |
label-off | string | Off | Label for off line seconds |
label-period | string | Period | Label for period |
label-poll | string | Polls | Label for polls |
label-rej | string | %Reject | Label for rejected seconds |
label-rx | string | Rx | Label for Rx traffic level |
label-score | string | Score | Label for score |
label-sent | string | Sent | Label for seconds polled |
label-shaper | string | Shaper | Label for shaper |
label-time | string | Time | Label for time |
label-traffic | string | Traffic (bit/s) | Label for traffic level |
label-tx | string | Tx | Label for Tx traffic level |
latency-level | unsignedInt | 100000000 | Latency level not expected on low usage |
latency-level1 | unsignedInt | 100000000 | Latency level 1 (ns) |
latency-level2 | unsignedInt | 500000000 | Latency level 2 (ns) |
latency-score | unsignedByte | 200 | Score for high latency and low usage |
latency-score1 | unsignedByte | 10 | Score for on/above level 1 |
latency-score2 | unsignedByte | 20 | Score for on/above level 2 |
latency-usage | unsignedInt | 128000 | Usage below which latency is not expected |
left | unsignedByte | 0 | Pixels space left of main graph |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
marker-width | string | - | Stroke width for marker (+) on tx/rx (e.g. 4) |
max | Colour | green | Colour for maximum latency |
min | Colour | #008 | Colour for minimum latency |
ms-max | positiveInteger | 500 | ms max height |
off | Colour | #c8f | Colour for off line seconds |
outside | Colour | transparent | Colour for outer border |
rej | Colour | #f8c | Colour for off line seconds |
right | unsignedByte | 50 | Pixels space right of main graph |
rx | Colour | #800 | Colour for Rx traffic level |
secret | Secret | - | Secret for SHA1 coded URLs |
sent | Colour | #ff8 | Colour for polled seconds |
share-interface | NMTOKEN | - | Interface on which to broadcast data for shaper sharing |
share-secret | Secret | - | Secret to validate shaper sharing |
stroke-width | string | 4 if no marker | Stroke line for tx/rx |
subheading | string | - | Subheading of graph |
svg-css | string | - | URL for SVG CSS instead of local style settings |
svg-title | boolean | - | Include mouseover title text on svg |
text | Colour | black | Colour for text |
text1 | string | - | Text line 1 |
text2 | string | - | Text line 2 |
text3 | string | - | Text line 3 |
text4 | string | - | Text line 4 |
timeformat | string | %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | Time format |
top | unsignedByte | 4 | Pixels space at top of graph |
tx | Colour | #080 | Colour for Tx traffic level |
FB105 tunnel definition
Table I.51. fb105: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
fast-udp | boolean | true | Send UDP packets marked not to be reordered |
graph | (token) graphname | - | Graph name |
internal-ip | IP46Addr | local-ip | Internal IP for traffic originated and sent down tunnel |
ip | IP4Addr | dynamic tunnel | Far end IP |
keep-alive | boolean | true if ip set | Constantly send keep alive packets |
local-id | unsignedByte | Not optional | Unique local end tunnel ID |
local-ip | IP4Addr | - | Force specific local end IP |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref for route (highest wins) |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
mtu | unsignedShort | 1500 | MTU for wrapped packets |
name | NMTOKEN | - | Name |
obfuscate | (hexBinary) hex32 | - | Scramble (not encrypt) data |
payload-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for payload traffic |
port | unsignedShort | 1 | UDP port to use |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
remote-id | unsignedByte | Not optional | Unique remote end tunnel ID |
reorder | boolean | false | Reorder incoming tunnel packets |
reorder-maxq | (unsignedInt 1-100) fb105-reorder-maxq | 32 | Max queue length for out of order packets |
reorder-timeout | (unsignedInt 10-5000) fb105-reorder-timeout | 100 | Max time to delay out of order packet (ms) |
routes | List of IPPrefix | None | Routes when link up |
satellite | boolean | - | Mark links that are high speed and latency for split latency bonding (experimental) |
secret | Secret | Unsigned | Shared secret for tunnel |
set | unsignedByte | - | Set ID for reorder ID tagging (create a set of tunnels together) |
sign-all | boolean | false | All packets must be signed, not just keepalives |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
speed | unsignedInt | no shaping | Egress rate limit used (b/s) |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for tunnel wrappers |
tcp-mss-fix | boolean | true | Adjust MSS option in TCP SYN to fix session MSS |
Table I.52. fb105: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
route | fb105-route | Optional, unlimited | Routes to apply to tunnel when up |
Routes for prefixes that are sent to the FB105 tunnel when up
Table I.53. fb105-route: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
ip | List of IPPrefix | Not optional | One or more network prefixes |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref of network (highest wins) |
name | string | - | Name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
IPsec IKE and manually-keyed connection details
Table I.54. ipsec-ike: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
allow | List of IPNameRange | Allow from anywhere | List of IP ranges from which IKE connections are allowed |
comment | string | - | Comment |
force-NAT | List of IPNameRange | - | List of IP ranges of peers requiring forced NAT-T |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
trusted | List of IPNameRange | - | List of IP ranges given higher priority when establshing new connections |
Table I.55. ipsec-ike: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
IKE-proposal | ike-proposal | Optional, unlimited | Proposals for IKE security association |
IPsec-proposal | ipsec-proposal | Optional, unlimited | Proposals for IPsec AH/ESP security association |
connection | (ipsec-connection-common) ike-connection | Optional, unlimited | IKE connections |
manually-keyed | (ipsec-connection-common) ipsec-manual | Optional, unlimited | IPsec manually-keyed connections (not recommended) |
roaming | ike-roaming | Optional, unlimited | IKE roaming IP pools |
IPsec IKE connection settings
Table I.56. ike-connection: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
graph | (token) graphname | - | Graph name |
internal-ip | IP46Addr | local-ip | Internal IP for traffic originated on the FireBrick and sent down tunnel |
local-ip | IPAddr | - | Local IP |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref for route (highest wins) |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
mtu | unsignedShort | 1500 | MTU for wrapped packets |
name | NMTOKEN | - | Name |
payload-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for payload traffic |
peer-ips | List of IPNameRange | Accept from anywhere | peer's IP or range |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
routes | List of IPPrefix | - | Routes when link up |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
speed | unsignedInt | no shaping | Egress rate limit used (b/s) |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for IKE traffic and tunnel wrappers |
tcp-mss-fix | boolean | true | Adjust MSS option in TCP SYN to fix session MSS |
type | ipsec-type | ESP | Encapsulation type |
auth-method | ike-authmethod | Not optional | method for authenticating self to peer |
blackhole | boolean | false | Blackhole routed traffic when tunnel is not up |
certlist | List of NMTOKEN | use any suitable | Certificate(s) to be used to authenticate self |
dead-peer-detect | duration | 30 | check peer is alive at least this often - 0 to inhibit |
ike-proposals | List of NMTOKEN | use built-in default proposals | IKE proposal list |
ipsec-proposals | List of NMTOKEN | use built-in default proposals | IPsec proposal list |
lifetime | duration | 1:00:00 | max lifetime before renegotiation |
local-ID | string | - | Local IKE ID |
local-ts | List of IPRange | Allow any | Valid outgoing-source/incoming-destination IPs for tunnelled traffic |
mode | ike-mode | Wait | ike connection setup mode |
peer-ID | string | - | Peer IKE ID |
peer-auth-method | ike-authmethod | Use auth-method | method for authenticating peer |
peer-certlist | List of NMTOKEN | accept any suitable | Certificate trust anchor(s) acceptable for authenticating peer |
peer-eaplist | List of NMTOKEN | allow any EAP user | Admissible EAP users |
peer-secret | Secret | use secret | shared secret used to authenticate peer |
peer-ts | List of IPRange | Allow any | Valid outgoing-destination/incoming-source IPs for tunnelled traffic |
peer-ts-from-routes | boolean | false | Send traffic selector based on routing |
query-eap-id | boolean | true | Query client for EAP identity |
roaming-pool | NMTOKEN | - | IKE roaming IP pool |
secret | Secret | - | shared secret used to authenticate self to peer |
Table I.57. ike-connection: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
route | ipsec-route | Optional, unlimited | Routes to apply to tunnel when up |
Routes for prefixes that are sent to the IPsec tunnel
Table I.58. ipsec-route: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
ip | List of IPPrefix | Not optional | One or more network prefixes |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref of network (highest wins) |
name | string | - | Name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
Pool of IP addresses and associated DNS/NBNS servers for dynamic IP allocation
Table I.59. ike-roaming: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
DNS | List of IPAddr | - | List of DNS servers available to clients |
NBNS | List of IPAddr | - | List of NetBios name servers available to clients |
comment | string | - | Comment |
ip | List of IPRange | Not optional | List of IP ranges for allocation to road-warrior clients |
name | NMTOKEN | Not optional | Name |
nat | boolean | false | NAT incoming IPv4 traffic unless set otherwise in rules |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
Proposal for establishing the IKE security association
Table I.60. ike-proposal: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
DHset | Set of ike-DH | Accept any supported group | Diffie-Hellman group for IKE negotiation |
PRFset | Set of ike-PRF | Accept any supported function | Pseudo-Random function for key generation |
authset | Set of ipsec-auth-algorithm | Accept any supported algorithm | Integrity check algorithm for IKE messages |
cryptset | Set of ipsec-crypt-algorithm | Accept any supported algorithm | Encryption algorithm for IKE messages |
name | NMTOKEN | Not optional | Name |
Proposal for establishing the IPsec AH/ESP keying information
Table I.61. ipsec-proposal: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
DHset | Set of ike-DH | Accept any supported group | Diffie-Hellman group for IPsec key negotiation |
ESN | Set of ike-ESN | Accept ESN or short SN | Support for extended sequence numbers |
authset | Set of ipsec-auth-algorithm | Accept any supported algorithm | Integrity check algorithm for IPsec traffic |
cryptset | Set of ipsec-crypt-algorithm | Accept any supported algorithm | Encryption algorithm for IPsec traffic |
name | NMTOKEN | Not optional | Name |
IPsec manually keyed connection settings (not recommended, use IKEv2 and secrets instead)
Table I.62. ipsec-manual: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
bgp | bgpmode | Auto | BGP announce mode for routes |
comment | string | - | Comment |
graph | (token) graphname | - | Graph name |
internal-ip | IP46Addr | local-ip | Internal IP for traffic originated on the FireBrick and sent down tunnel |
local-ip | IPAddr | - | Local IP |
localpref | unsignedInt | 4294967295 | Localpref for route (highest wins) |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
mtu | unsignedShort | 1500 | MTU for wrapped packets |
name | NMTOKEN | - | Name |
payload-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for payload traffic |
peer-ips | List of IPNameRange | Accept from anywhere | peer's IP or range |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
routes | List of IPPrefix | - | Routes when link up |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
speed | unsignedInt | no shaping | Egress rate limit used (b/s) |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number for IKE traffic and tunnel wrappers |
tcp-mss-fix | boolean | true | Adjust MSS option in TCP SYN to fix session MSS |
type | ipsec-type | ESP | Encapsulation type |
auth-algorithm | ipsec-auth-algorithm | null | Manual setting for authentication algorithm |
auth-key | hexBinary | - | Manual key for authentication |
crypt-algorithm | ipsec-crypt-algorithm | null | Manual setting for encryption algorithm |
crypt-key | hexBinary | - | Manual key for encryption |
local-spi | (unsignedInt 256-4294967295) ipsec-spi | Not optional | Local Security Parameters Index |
mode | ipsec-encapsulation | tunnel | Encapsulation mode |
outer-spi | (unsignedInt 256-4294967295) ipsec-spi | - | Security Parameters Index for outer header |
remote-spi | (unsignedInt 256-4294967295) ipsec-spi | Not optional | Peer Security Parameters Index |
Table I.63. ipsec-manual: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
route | ipsec-route | Optional, unlimited | Routes to apply to tunnel when up |
General on/off control profile used in various places in the config.
Table I.64. profile: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
and | List of NMTOKEN | - | Active if all specified profiles are active as well as all other tests passing, including 'not' |
comment | string | - | Comment |
control-switch-group | string | - | Heading to use when grouping in UI |
control-switch-locks | boolean | false | Control switch requires unlock before use. |
control-switch-users | List of NMTOKEN | Any users | Restrict users that have access to control switch |
dhcp | List of IPNameAddr | - | Test passes if any specified addresses are active in DHCP |
expect | boolean | none | Defines state considered 'Good' and shown green on status page |
fb105 | List of NMTOKEN | - | FB105 tunnel state (any of these active) |
initial | boolean | true | Defines state at system startup (unless set), or new config, where not known/fixed |
interval | duration | 1 | Time between tests |
invert | boolean | - | Invert final result of testing |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log target |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log additional information |
name | NMTOKEN | Not optional | Profile name |
not | NMTOKEN | - | Active if specified profile is inactive as well as all other tests passing, including 'and' |
or | List of NMTOKEN | - | Active if any of these other profiles are active regardless of other tests (including 'not' or 'and') |
ports | Set of port | - | Test passes if any of these physical ports are up |
recover | duration | 1 | Time before recover (i.e. how long test has been passing) |
route | List of IPAddr | - | Test passes if all specified addresses are routeable |
set | switch | - | Manual override. Test settings ignored; Control switches can use and/or/not/invert |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | - | Routing table for ping/route/dhcp |
timeout | duration | 10 | Time before timeout (i.e. how long test has been failing) |
uptime | unsignedShort | - | Minimum uptime (seconds) |
vrrp | List of NMTOKEN | - | VRRP state (any of these is master) |
Table I.65. profile: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
date | profile-date | Optional, unlimited | Test passes if within any date range specified |
ping | profile-ping | Optional | Test passes if address is answering pings |
time | profile-time | Optional, unlimited | Test passes if within any time range specified |
Ping targets
Table I.68. profile-ping: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
flow | unsignedShort | - | Flow label (IPv6) |
gateway | IPAddr | - | Ping via specific gateway (bypasses session tracking if set) |
ip | IPAddr | Not optional | Target IP |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
source-ip | IPAddr | - | Source IP |
ttl | unsignedByte | - | Time to live / Hop limit |
Settings for a named traffic shaper
Table I.69. shaper: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
name | (token) graphname | Not optional | Graph name |
rx | unsignedLong | - | Rx rate limit/target (b/s) |
rx-limit | (unsignedShort 0-1000) shaper-limit | 400ms | Rx low level burst limit (ms) - ½ for large packets |
rx-max | unsignedLong | - | Rx rate limit max |
rx-min | unsignedLong | - | Rx rate limit min |
rx-min-burst | duration | - | Rx minimum allowed burst time |
rx-step | unsignedLong | - | Rx rate reduction per hour |
share | boolean | false | If shaper is shared with other devices |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
tx | unsignedLong | - | Tx rate limit/target (b/s) |
tx-limit | (unsignedShort 0-1000) shaper-limit | 400ms | Tx low level burst limit (ms) - ½ for large packets |
tx-max | unsignedLong | - | Tx rate limit max |
tx-min | unsignedLong | - | Tx rate limit min |
tx-min-burst | duration | - | Tx minimum allowed burst time |
tx-step | unsignedLong | - | Tx rate reduction per hour |
Table I.70. shaper: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
override | shaper-override | Optional, unlimited | Profile specific variations on main settings |
Settings for a named traffic shaper
Table I.71. shaper-override: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
profile | NMTOKEN | Not optional | Profile name |
rx | unsignedLong | - | Rx rate limit/target (b/s) |
rx-limit | (unsignedShort 0-1000) shaper-limit | 400ms | Rx low level burst limit (ms) - ½ for large packets |
rx-max | unsignedLong | - | Rx rate limit max |
rx-min | unsignedLong | - | Rx rate limit min |
rx-min-burst | duration | - | Rx minimum allowed burst time |
rx-step | unsignedLong | - | Rx rate reduction per hour |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
tx | unsignedLong | - | Tx rate limit/target (b/s) |
tx-limit | (unsignedShort 0-1000) shaper-limit | 400ms | Tx low level burst limit (ms) - ½ for large packets |
tx-max | unsignedLong | - | Tx rate limit max |
tx-min | unsignedLong | - | Tx rate limit min |
tx-min-burst | duration | - | Tx minimum allowed burst time |
tx-step | unsignedLong | - | Tx rate reduction per hour |
Routing override rules
Table I.73. route-override: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
name | string | - | Name |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Applicable routing table |
Table I.74. route-override: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
rule | session-route-rule | Optional, unlimited | Individual rules, first match applies |
Routing override rule
Table I.75. session-route-rule: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
cug | List of PortRange | - | Closed user group ID(s) |
hash | boolean | - | Use hash of IPs for load sharing |
name | string | - | Name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
protocol | List of unsignedByte | - | Protocol(s) [1=ICMP, 6=TCP, 17=UDP] |
set-gateway | IPAddr | - | New gateway |
set-graph | string | - | Graph name for shaping/logging (if not set by rule-set) |
set-nat | boolean | - | Changed source IP and port to local for NAT |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
source-interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Source interface(s) |
source-ip | List of IPNameRange | - | Source IP address range(s) |
source-port | List of PortRange | - | Source port(s) |
target-interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Target interface(s) |
target-ip | List of IPNameRange | - | Target IP address range(s) |
target-port | List of PortRange | - | Target port(s) |
Table I.76. session-route-rule: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
share | session-route-share | Optional, unlimited | Load shared actions |
Firewalling rule set with entry criteria and default actions
Table I.78. rule-set: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
cug | List of PortRange | - | Closed user group ID(s) |
interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Source or target interface(s) |
ip | List of IPNameRange | - | Source or target IP address range(s) |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log session start |
log-end | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log session end |
log-no-match | NMTOKEN | log-start | Log if no match |
name | string | - | Name |
no-match-action | firewall-action | Not optional | Default if no rule matches |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
protocol | List of unsignedByte | - | Protocol(s) [1=ICMP, 6=TCP, 17=UDP] |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
source-interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Source interface(s) |
source-ip | List of IPNameRange | - | Source IP address range(s) |
source-port | List of PortRange | - | Source port(s) |
startup-delay | duration | 1:00 | Startup interval to use ignore instead of reject/drop |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Applicable routing table |
target-interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Target interface(s) |
target-ip | List of IPNameRange | - | Target IP address range(s) |
target-port | List of PortRange | - | Target port(s) |
Table I.79. rule-set: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
ip-group | ip-group | Optional, unlimited | Named IP groups |
rule | session-rule | Optional, unlimited | Individual rules, first match applies |
Firewall rule
The individual firewall rules are checked in order within the rule-set, and the first match applied. The default action for a rule is continue, so once matched the next rule-set is considered.
Table I.80. session-rule: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
action | firewall-action | continue | Action taken on match |
comment | string | - | Comment |
cug | List of PortRange | - | Closed user group ID(s) |
hash | boolean | - | Use hash of IPs for load sharing |
interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Source or target interface(s) |
ip | List of IPNameRange | - | Source or target IP address range(s) |
log | NMTOKEN | As rule-set | Log session start |
log-end | NMTOKEN | As rule-set | Log session end |
name | string | - | Name |
obf-checksum | chksum-action | - | Obfuscation's handling of packet checksums |
obfuscate | (hexBinary) hex64 | - | Scramble (not encrypt) data |
pcp | boolean | - | If mapped by NAT-PMP / PCP |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
protocol | List of unsignedByte | - | Protocol(s) [1=ICMP, 6=TCP, 17=UDP] |
set-dscp | unsignedByte | - | Override IP DSCP |
set-gateway | IPAddr | - | New gateway |
set-graph | string | - | Graph name for shaping/logging |
set-graph-dynamic | dynamic-graph | - | Dynamically create graph |
set-initial-timeout | duration | - | Initial time-out |
set-nat | boolean | - | Change source IP and port to local for NAT |
set-ongoing-timeout | duration | - | Ongoing time-out |
set-reverse-graph | string | - | Graph name for shaping/logging (far side of session) |
set-source-ip | IPRange | - | New source IP |
set-source-port | unsignedShort | - | New source port |
set-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | - | Set new routing table |
set-target-ip | IPRange | - | New target IP |
set-target-port | unsignedShort | - | New target port |
source | string | - | Source of data, used in automated config management |
source-interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Source interface(s) |
source-ip | List of IPNameRange | - | Source IP address range(s) |
source-mac | List up to 12 (hexBinary) macprefix | - | Source MAC check if from Ethernet |
source-port | List of PortRange | - | Source port(s) |
target-interface | List of NMTOKEN | - | Target interface(s) |
target-ip | List of IPNameRange | - | Target IP address range(s) |
target-port | List of PortRange | - | Target port(s) |
Table I.81. session-rule: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
share | session-share | Optional, unlimited | Load shared actions |
Firewall actions for load sharing
Table I.82. session-share: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | - | Comment |
obf-checksum | chksum-action | - | Obfuscation's handling of packet checksums |
obfuscate | (hexBinary) hex64 | - | Scramble (not encrypt) data |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
set-gateway | IPAddr | - | New gateway |
set-graph | string | - | Graph name for shaping/logging |
set-nat | boolean | - | Change source IP and port to local for NAT |
set-reverse-graph | string | - | Graph name for shaping/logging (far side of session) |
set-source-ip | IPRange | - | New source IP |
set-source-port | unsignedShort | - | New source port |
set-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | - | Set new routing table |
set-target-ip | IPRange | - | New target IP |
set-target-port | unsignedShort | - | New target port |
weight | positiveInteger | 1 | Weighting of load share |
Ether tunnel
Table I.83. etun: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
eth-port | NMTOKEN | Not optional | Port group name |
ip | IPAddr | Not optional | Far end IP address |
log | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log events |
log-debug | NMTOKEN | Not logging | Log debug |
log-error | NMTOKEN | Log as event | Log errors |
name | string | - | Name |
profile | NMTOKEN | - | Profile name |
source-ip | IPAddr | - | Our IP address |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | 0 | Routing table number |
Settings for DHCP server for relayed connections
Table I.84. dhcp-relay: Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
allocation-table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | Allocate same as request table | Routing table for allocations - suggest using separate tables for remote DHCP |
allow | List of IPNameRange | Allow from anywhere | IPs allowed (e.g. allocated IPs for renewal) |
relay | List of IPNameRange | Any relay | Relay server IP(s) |
table | (unsignedByte 0-99) routetable | Allow any | Routing table applicable |
Table I.85. dhcp-relay: Elements
Element | Type | Instances | Description |
dhcp | dhcps | Optional, unlimited | DHCP server settings |