Type | Description |
string | text string |
token | text string |
hexBinary | hex coded binary data |
integer | integer (-2147483648-2147483647) |
positiveInteger | positive integer (1-4294967295) |
unsignedInt | unsigned integer (0-4294967295) |
unsignedShort | unsigned short integer (0-65535) |
unsignedByte | unsigned byte integer (0-255) |
boolean | Boolean |
dateTime | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS date/time |
time | HH:MM:SS time |
NMTOKEN | String with no spaces |
void | Internal use |
IPAddr | IP address |
IPNameAddr | IP address or name |
IP4Addr | IPv4 address |
IP6Addr | IPv6 address |
IP46Addr | IPv4 + IPv6 address |
IPPrefix | IP address / bitlen |
IPRange | IP address / bitlen or range |
IPNameRange | IP address / bitlen or range or name |
IP4Range | IPv4 address / bitlen or range |
IP4Prefix | IPv4 address / bitlen |
IPSubnet | IP address / bitlen |
IP4Subnet | IPv4 address / bitlen |
IPFilter | Route filter |
Password | Password |
Community | xxx:xxx community |
PortRange | xxx-xxx port range |
Colour | #rgb #rrggbb #rgba #rrggbbaa colour |
Secret | Secret/passphrase |
duration | Period [[HH:]MM:]SS |
fb-sw-update-delay | Number of days to delay upgrade by (0-30)
stringlist | List of strings
macspoof | Spoof MAC base address
percentage | Percentage (0 .. 100) (0-100)
routetable | Route table number (0-99)
username | Login name
ipnamerangelist | List of IPranges or ip groups
nmtokenlist | List of NMTOKEN
iplist | List of IP addresses
ipnamelist | List of IP addresses or domain names
datenum | Day number in month (1-31)
sample-rate | Sampling rate (100-10000)
mtu | Max transmission unit (576-2000)
subnetlist | List of subnets
ra-max | Route announcement max interval (seconds) (4-1800)
ra-min | Route announcement min interval (seconds) (3-1350)
ip6list | List of IPv6 addresses
macsuffix | MAC suffix
vlan | VLAN ID (0=untagged) (0-4095)
ip4rangelist | List of IP4ranges
macprefixlist | List of strings
macprefix | MAC prefix
ip4list | List of IPv4 addresses
graphname | Graph name
prefixlist | List of IP Prefixes
ping-size | Data payload size to be sent in ping packet (0-60000)
iprangelist | List of IPranges
userlist | List of user names
prefix4list | List of IPv4 Prefixes
filterlist | List of IP Prefix filters
communitylist | List of BGP communities
portlist | List of protocol port ranges
protolist | List of IP protocols
unsignedIntList | List of integers
routetableset | Set of routetables
aslist | List of AS numbers
vlanset | Set of VLAN IDs
vlan-nz | VLAN ID (1-4095)
dates | Set of dates
cug | CUG ID (1-32767)
tun-id | Local tunnel ID (1-100)
ses-id | Local session ID (1-500)
hostname | Host name
sip-error | SIP error code (400-699)
shaper-limit | Shaper limit (ms) (0-1000)
hex64 | Hex value up to 64 bits (8 bytes)