3.2. The Object Model

The term 'object model' is used here to collectively refer to :-

The bulk of this User Manual therefore serves to document the object model and how it controls operation of the FB6000.


This version of the User Manual may not yet be complete in its coverage of the full object model. Some more obscure attributes may not be covered at all - some of these may be attributes that are not used under any normal circumstances, and used only under guidance by support personnel. If you encounter attribute(s) that are not documented in this manual, please refer in the first instance to the documentation described in Section 3.2.1 below. If that information doesn't help you, and you think the attribute(s) may be relevant to implementing your requirements, please consult the usual support channel(s) for advice.

3.2.1. Formal definition of the object model

The object model has a formal definition in the form of an XML Schema Document (XSD) file, which is itself an XML file, normally intended for machine-processing. A more readable version of this information is available in Appendix H.

Note, however, that this is reference material, containing only brief descriptions, and intended for users who are familiar with the product, and in particular, for users configuring their units primarily via XML.

The XSD file is also available on the software downloads website by following the "XSD" link that is present against each software release.

3.2.2. Common attributes

Most objects have a comment attribute which is free-form text that can be used for any purpose. Similarly, most objects have a source attribute that is intended for use by automated configuration management tools. Neither of these attributes have a direct effect on the operation of the FB6000.

Many objects have a name attribute which is non optional and often needs to be unique within the list of object. This allows the named object to be referenced from other attributes. The XML and user interface do allow a full range of characters and even spaces but it is recommended that you stick with simple letters and numbers and do not include spaces so as to avoid complications when referencing names from other objects.