4.4. Global LED control

The FB2900 has a main status LED and port status LEDs on the panel housing the sockets, and mirror LEDs which normally display the same information on the opposite panel. The main status LED can display any colour specified using standard RGB values or colour names. Each of the RJ45 ports has an orange and green LED on its left, and a yellow LED on its right.

The colour of the main status LED, and the brightness of the port and mirror LEDs can be controlled by system attributes as shown in Table 4.5:-

Table 4.5. Global LED control

status-led-colourHex RGB or known colour name (default green)
port-led-brightnessBrightness specified as an integer percentage, range 1..100 (default 100)
mirror-led-brightnessBrightness specified as an integer percentage, range 1..100 (default 100)