Appendix J. Command line reference

Table of Contents

J.1. General commands
J.1.1. Trace off
J.1.2. Trace on
J.1.3. Uptime
J.1.4. General status
J.1.5. Memory usage
J.1.6. Process/task usage
J.1.7. Login
J.1.8. Logout
J.1.9. See XML configuration
J.1.10. Load XML configuration
J.1.11. Show profile status
J.1.12. Enable profile control switch
J.1.13. Disable profile control switch
J.1.14. Show RADIUS servers
J.1.15. Show DNS resolvers
J.2. Networking commands
J.2.1. Subnets
J.2.2. Renegotiate DHCP for a subnet
J.2.3. Ping and trace
J.2.4. Show a route from the routing table
J.2.5. List routes
J.2.6. List routing next hops
J.2.7. See DHCP allocations
J.2.8. Clear DHCP allocations
J.2.9. Lock DHCP allocations
J.2.10. Unlock DHCP allocations
J.2.11. Name DHCP allocations
J.2.12. Show ARP/ND status
J.2.13. Show VRRP status
J.2.14. Send Wake-on-LAN packet
J.3. Firewalling commands
J.3.1. Check access to services
J.3.2. Check firewall logic
J.4. BGP commands
J.4.1. Show BGP
J.4.2. Show BGP Peer
J.4.3. Show BGP Summary
J.4.4. Show BGP Routes
J.4.5. Clear BGP
J.4.6. Refresh BGP
J.4.7. Refresh BGP
J.5. OSPF commands
J.5.1. Show OSPF
J.5.2. Show OSPF Area
J.5.3. Show OSPF Link
J.5.4. Show OSPF Subnet
J.5.5. Show OSPF Neighbour
J.5.6. Show OSPF Lsa
J.6. PPPoE commands
J.6.1. Show PPPoE
J.6.2. Show PPPoE
J.6.3. Clear PPPoE
J.7. L2TP commands
J.7.1. Show L2TP
J.7.2. Show L2TP Tunnels
J.7.3. Clear L2TP All
J.7.4. Show L2TP Tunnel
J.7.5. Show L2TP Tunnel
J.7.6. Show L2TP Sessions
J.7.7. Show L2TP Session
J.7.8. Clear L2TP Tunnel
J.7.9. Clear L2TP Tunnel
J.7.10. Clear L2TP Session
J.8. VoIP commands
J.8.1. Show VoIP Registrations
J.9. Advanced commands
J.9.1. Panic
J.9.2. Reboot
J.9.3. Screen width
J.9.4. Make outbound command session
J.9.5. Show command sessions
J.9.6. Kill command session
J.9.7. Flash memory list
J.9.8. Delete block from flash
J.9.9. Boot log
J.9.10. Flash log

J.1. General commands

J.1.1. Trace off


Stop interactive logging to this CLI session, lasts until logout or tron.

J.1.2. Trace on


Restart interactive logging to this CLI session. Some types of logging can be set to log to console which shows on the CLI.

J.1.3. Uptime

show uptime

Shows how long since the FB2500 restarted.

J.1.4. General status

show status

Shows general status information, including uptime, who owns the FireBrick, etc. This is the same as the Status on the web control pages.

J.1.5. Memory usage

show memory

Shows memory usage summary.

J.1.6. Process/task usage

show tasks

Shows internal task list. This is mainly for diagnostics purposes.

J.1.7. Login


Normally when you connect you are prompted for a username and password. If this is incorrect you can use the login to try again.

J.1.8. Logout


You can also use Ctrl-D to exit, or close the connection (if using telnet)

J.1.9. See XML configuration

show run
show configuration

Dumps the full XML configuration to the screen

J.1.10. Load XML configuration

import configuration

You then send the XML configuration, ending with a blank line. You would not normally import a configuration using this command, as you can use the web interface, and tools like curl to load configurations. This command is provided as a last resort for emergency use, so use with care.

J.1.11. Show profile status

show profiles

Shows profiles and current status.

J.1.12. Enable profile control switch

enable profile <string>

Turns a named profile control switch on.

J.1.13. Disable profile control switch

disable profile <string>

Turns a named profile control switch off.

J.1.14. Show RADIUS servers

show radius
show radius <IPAddr>

Shows details of RADIUS servers currently in use

J.1.15. Show DNS resolvers

show dns

Shows current DNS resolver list and status.