Chapter 18. L2TP

Table of Contents

18.1. What is L2TP?
18.2. Incoming L2TP connections
18.3. The importance of CQM graphs
18.4. Local Authentication
18.5. Relaying L2TP connections
18.6. RADIUS Authentication and Accounting
18.7. RADIUS Control messages
18.8. Outgoing L2TP connections

Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP) is used by ISPs to handle connections from broadband and dial-up lines. L2TP tunnels can also be used to create unencrypted point to point links betweem endpoints. The L2TP protocol is standard, and so allows connections between the FB2500 and other manufacturers equipment.

18.1. What is L2TP?


This section of the manual is still in development. Please see for technical notes.