You configure your FireBrick using a web browser - to do this, you need IP connectivity between your computer and the FireBrick. For a new FB2500 or one that has been factory reset, there are three methods to set this up, as described below - select the method that you prefer, or that best suits your current network architecture.
Method 1 - use the FireBrick's DHCP server to configure a computer.
If your computer is already configured (as many are) to get an IP address automatically, you can connect your computer to port 1 on the FireBrick, and the FireBrick's inbuilt DHCP server should give it an IPv4 address.
Method 2 - configure a computer with a fixed IP address.
Alternatively, you can connect a computer to port 1 on the FireBrick, and manually configure your computer to have the fixed IP address(es) shown below :-
Method 3 - use an existing DHCP server to configure the FireBrick.
If your LAN already has a DHCP server, you can connect port 1 of your FireBrick to your LAN, and it will get an address.