J.4. Basic types

Table J.57. Basic data types

stringtext string
tokentext string
hexBinaryhex coded binary data
integerinteger (-2147483648-2147483647)
positiveIntegerpositive integer (1-4294967295)
unsignedIntunsigned integer (0-4294967295)
unsignedShortunsigned short integer (0-65535)
unsignedByteunsigned byte integer (0-255)
dateTimeYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS date/time
timeHH:MM:SS time
NMTOKENString with no spaces
voidInternal use
IPAddrIP address
IPNameAddrIP address or name
IP4AddrIPv4 address
IP6AddrIPv6 address
IP46AddrIPv4 + IPv6 address
IPPrefixIP address / bitlen
IPRangeIP address / bitlen or range
IPNameRangeIP address / bitlen or range or name
IP4RangeIPv4 address / bitlen or range
IP4PrefixIPv4 address / bitlen
IPSubnetIP address / bitlen
IP4SubnetIPv4 address / bitlen
IPFilterRoute filter
Communityxxx:xxx community
PortRangexxx-xxx port range
Colour#rgb #rrggbb #rgba #rrggbbaa colour
durationPeriod [[HH:]MM:]SS
fb-sw-update-delayNumber of days to delay upgrade by (0-30) (unsignedByte)
percentagePercentage (0 .. 100) (0-100) (unsignedByte)
routetableRoute table number (0-99) (unsignedByte)
usernameLogin name (NMTOKEN)
ipnamerangelistList of IPranges or ip groups (IPNameRange)
nmtokenlistList of NMTOKEN (NMTOKEN)
stringlistList of strings (string)
iplistList of IP addresses (IPAddr)
ipnamelistList of IP addresses or domain names (IPNameAddr)
datenumDay number in month (1-31) (unsignedByte)
subnetlistList of subnets (IPSubnet)
ra-maxRoute announcement max interval (seconds) (4-1800) (unsignedShort)
ra-minRoute announcement min interval (seconds) (3-1350) (unsignedShort)
ip6listList of IPv6 addresses (IP6Addr)
mtuMax transmission unit (576-2000) (unsignedShort)
vlanVLAN ID (0=untagged) (0-4095) (unsignedShort)
ip4rangelistList of IP4ranges (IP4Range)
macprefixlistList of strings (macprefix)
macprefixMAC prefix (hexBinary)
ip4listList of IPv4 addresses (IP4Addr)
graphnameGraph name (token)
prefixlistList of IP Prefixes (IPPrefix)
iprangelistList of IPranges (IPRange)
userlistList of user names (username)
prefix4listList of IPv4 Prefixes (IP4Prefix)
filterlistList of IP Prefix filters (IPFilter)
communitylistList of BGP communities (Community)
portlistList of protocol port ranges (PortRange)
protolistList of IP protocols (unsignedByte)
unsignedIntListList of integers (unsignedInt)
routetablesetSet of routetables (routetable)
aslistList of AS numbers (unsignedIntList)
vlan-nzVLAN ID (1-4095) (unsignedShort)
datesSet of dates (datenum)
cugCUG ID (1-32767) (unsignedShort)
tun-idLocal tunnel ID (1-100) (unsignedShort)
ses-idLocal session ID (1-500) (unsignedShort)
hostnameHost name (NMTOKEN)
sip-errorSIP error code (400-699) (unsignedShort)
shaper-limitShaper limit (ms) (0-1000) (unsignedShort)