G.7. Ping

Ping graphs can be created in 5 main ways.


Only graphs defined in the configuration will be automatically recreated after a reboot, graphs created by other means, e.g. the ping form, will have to be re-added manually.

G.7.1. Automated ping control

To start a ping, send a GET or POST to the /ping URL with form fields. HTTP Basic auth can be used instead of a normal session tracked login. The field graph must be specified with the graph name for the pinging. To start a ping also specify ip and optionally table. This can be used on an existing graph to change the ping target.

G.7.2. Bulk ping configuration via a URL

There is also a means to define a bulk ping list for the FB6102. The config allows an HTTP(S) URL to be specified, which is fetched at startup. The web interface (Graphs/Ping) also allows for the URL to be fetched manually if needed.

This URL is then polled at the rate specified by ping-update. The file served at that URL is expected to contain plain text with details of a ping target on each line in the format: GraphName,IP/Hostname[#table][+size][?options]. Where options is 's' for slow pings, or 'a' for auto-slow pings (becoming slow if no response for 2 mins).

G.7.3. Stopping Ping Graphs

Ping graphs defined in the config can be stopped simply by removing them from the config. The graphs will still be retained for a time, but no further pings will be sent.

For pings defined in the web form (or via automated HTTP(S) requests), specify the graph name but omit the ip field. This will stop the ping.

For bulk pings, remove any unwanted pings from the file. Then, either wait for the next reload or fetch the URL manually via the web interface. Any pings included in a previous version of the file that are no longer present are automatically stopped.