F.7. Change of Authorisation

A change of authorisation message is accepted as per RFC5176

Table F.8. Change-of-Authorisation

Acct-Session-Id44Unique ID for session
Chargeable-User-Identity89This is used as CQM graph name.
Framed-Route22May appear more than once. Text format is IPv4-Address/Bits metric. The target IP is ignored but must be valid IPv4 syntax. The metric is used as localpref in routing.
Delegated-IPv6-Prefix123IPv6 prefix to be routed to line. Maximum localpref used.
Framed-IPv6-Prefix97IPv6 prefix to be routed to line. Maximum locapref used.
Framed-IPv6-Route99May appear more than once. Text format is IPv6-Address/Bits :: metric. The target IP is ignored but must be valid IPv6 syntax. The metric is used as localpref in routing. Alternative format IPv6/Bits IPv4-Address metric defines that prefix is to be protocol 41 IPv4 tunneled to specified target via this link.
Session-Timeout27Absolute limit on session, in seconds
Terminate-Action29If not specified, or 0, then terminate on Session-Timeout or Quota reached, else send RADIUS Interim accounting update (not an Access Request)
Connect-Info77Text tx speed limit to apply to session (see below)
Filter-Id11See filter ID section

The session is identified by Acct-Session-Id if present, else by Chargeable-User-Identity. No other identification parameters are supported. If sent then they are ignored.

Parameters are left unchanged if not specified.

No other parameters are supported, and if sent then they are ignored

The Connect-Info response can be a simple number (bits/second) tx rate, or a number followed by a % where this sets a speed based on a percentage of current line speed. It is also possible to set long term shapers where a Chargeable-User-Identity is also included, this involves a number of additional parameters in the string prefixed with characters: > min, < max, _ minburst, and \ step.