F.4. Accounting Interim

Table F.5. Accounting-Interim

Acct-Status-Type403 Interim-Update
Acct-Delay-Time41Seconds since accounting data collected
Acct-Event-Timestamp55Data collected time (unix timestamp)
Acct-Session-Id44Unique ID for session
Chargeable-User-Identity89Graph name that applies, sanitised to comply with CQM graph name rules..
Connect-Info77Text Tx speed/Rx speed in use
Framed-IP-Address8Peer IPv4 address negotiated in PPP (normally from authentication response)
NAS-Identifier32Configured hostname of FireBrick
NAS-IP-Address4NAS IPv4 address if using IPv4
NAS-IPv6-Address95NAS IPv6 address if using IPv6
NAS-Port5L2TP session ID
Acct-Input-Octets42Rx byte count
Acct-Input-Gigawords52Rx byte count (high 4 bytes)
Acct-Output-Octets43Tx byte count
Acct-Output-Gigawords53Tx byte count (high 4 bytes)
Acct-Input-Packets47Rx packet count
Acct-Output-Packets48Tx packet count
Tunnel-Type64Present for relayed L2TP sessions, L2TP
Tunnel-Medium-Type65Present for relayed L2TP, 1 (IPv4) or 2 (IPv6)
Tunnel-Client-Endpoint66Present for relayed L2TP, text IPv4 or IPv6 address of our address on the outbound tunnel
Tunnel-Server-Endpoint67Present for relayed L2TP, text IPv4 or IPv6 address of the far end address of the outbound tunnel
Tunnel-Assignment-ID82Present for relayed L2TP, text local L2TP tunnel ID
Tunnel-Client-Auth-ID90Present for relayed L2TP, local end hostname quoted by outgoing tunnel
Tunnel-Server-Auth-ID91Present for relayed L2TP, far end hostname quoted by outgoing tunnel