15.6. NTP configuration

The NTP service automatically sets the FB2900's real-time-clock using time information provided by a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. There are public NTP servers available for use on the Internet, and a factory reset configuration does not specify an NTP server which means a default of ntp.firebrick.ltd.uk. You can set your preferred NTP servers instead.

The NTP service allows the FireBrick to be set accurately and act as an NTP server to machines on your network. By default it will not serve time to non local IP addresses, but will, of course, handle the expected replies from the servers being use to set the FireBrick clock. The status pages show the NTP servers being used and NTP system status.

Generally no config is needed to set the clock and allow the FireBrick to be an NTP server. The config can be used to change to other local time zones and "daylight saving" settings if required.

The FB2900 includes a real time clock that can also retain time with no power for a short period. This allows it to start with the right time after a short power outage. NTP then allows the clock to be set very accurately shortly after reboot.