7.4. Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation (NAT) is the general term used for sharing one IP address between multiple devices. It is typically a feature of broadband routers that are designed to operate with one external IP address and private (RFC1918) addresses on the inside (such as 192.168.x.x).

In additional to NAT, there are several ways in which one can do various types of port mapping and IP mapping which are described in the general session tracking and firewalling rules above. However, NAT is, itself, a complex issue and this section describes some of the issues and recommendations for how best to use NAT on a FireBrick.

7.4.1. When to use NAT

NAT breaks the way Internet Protocol was designed as it stops end to end addressing and routing of packets. This causes problems with all sorts of protocols that sensibly expect IP to work as designed, and even some that assume NAT is in use. NAT is not itself a consistent and predictable process, and so it makes it very difficult for protocol designed.

Because of the many issues with NAT it is strongly recommended that NAT is only ever used where it is unavoidable. This is specifically where the availability of public IP addresses is limited.

Unfortunately with legacy IP version 4 addresses the supply of address space is now limited and most ISPs are only providing a single IPv4 address with an Internet Connection (or charging where more are provided). This means that it is common to require NAT for IPv4 on a typical Internet connection.


It is strongly recommended that you make use of PPPoE to connect to such an Internet connection, thereby affording the FireBrick itself with the single public IPv4 address assigned to the connection. This allows a number of features to work without use of NAT, including DNS relay, VoIP, and other internal operations of the FireBrick (e.g. clock setting, s/w updates, etc).


There is never any excuse to use NAT with IPv6. There is a virtually unlimited supply of IPv6 address space and you should have no problem obtaining necessary IPv6 address space from your ISP (assuming they do the current Internet Protocol, which is version 6). Remember, NAT is not a means of protection - the FireBrick has a firewall for that, NAT is a workaround for IP address sharing, something that is simply not necessary with IPv6 and should not be encouraged.

7.4.2. NAT ALGs

Because of the many problems with NAT and the ways in which many protocols are broken by its use, many NAT devices (such as broadband routers) will provide an Application Layer Gateway (ALG) as part of the NAT implementation. This provides special case handling for each higher level protocol or system making use of NAT that the device knows of, and provides work-arounds for the issues caused by NAT. In some cases this may simply be customised session timeout, but in some cases the support can be extensive and make major changes to the payload of packets passed through the device.

ALGs have a number of problems. Obviously they only work at all where the device knows of the protocol in question, and this is a major draw back for new protocol development. However, they are often imperfect in the way they work. It is not uncommon for ALGs designed to support VoIP using SIP to be significantly flawed such that you are better off turning off the ALG and leaving end devices to work around the NAT themselves.

The real solution to all of the issues with NAT is not ALGs, as they are simply not a scalable work-around for problems. The solution is the use of IPv6, the current Internet Protocol version. The FireBrick is designed from the ground up to support IPv6 and we recommend the use of IPv6 wherever possible.


The FireBrick provides no ALGs whatsoever for any form of NAT or IP/port mapping. This is a deliberate policy decision. However, there are a number features in the FireBrick that allow the correct operation of many protoicols. These include the FireBrick SIP VoIP PABX server which allows it to act as a proper SIP gateway between locally connected (e.g. on RFC1918 addresses) and external SIP devices using the external IPv4 on PPPoE. The FireBrick also uses RFC recommended session timeouts for UDP when NAT is applied to allow many protocols to continue to work with minimal keep-alive packets. The use of customised session timeouts and port and IP mapping in the firewalling rules also allow for special cases to be accomodated where necessary.

7.4.3. Setting NAT in rules

The rules for firewalling allow a set-nat setting to be set true or false. Rules in later rule-sets can override this setting just like any other setting in the firewall rules.


The setting of the NAT flag causes NAT to be applied, and this will change the source IP and port used for the session. However, unlike the explicit setting of a source IP or port in a rule, which causes the next rule-set to see the new changed setting, the NAT setting does not actually make these changes until the end of the processing of the rule-sets. i.e. a subsequent rule-set or rule cannot test the new source-ip or source-port that NAT will apply.

7.4.4. What NAT does

What the NAT setting does is cause the FireBrick to change the source IP and port used for the session. It picks an IP based on the interface to which the traffic will finally be sent, and uses the most appropriate IP address that it can to try and ensure correct return traffic to that IP address.

The port that is chosen is picked from a pool of available source port addresses that are not currently in use. This ensures that the reply traffic can be correctly matched with the specific session even if multiple sessions are using the same original ports.


It is possible to set the NAT attibute but also to explicitely set the source IP to be used. This will still allocate an available port, but will use the chosen source IP address. Care must be taken to ensure that the IP chosen is one that will allow the return traffic to be routed via the FireBrick to allow the NAT to be reversed.

7.4.5. NAT with PPPoE

When using a PPPoE connection you may have a single IPv4 address assigned to the connection and so will need to NAT traffic sent down that connection to the Internet. To accommodate this there is a nat setting which can be enabled on the PPPoE configuration.

If this NAT setting is enabled then the default for all IPv4 traffic directed to the PPPoE session is for NAT to be used. This default applies if the firewalling rules have not otherwise explicitely set the NAT setting for the traffic in question. i.e. this can be overridden by specific firewalling rules.


The NAT setting on PPPoE will not cause NAT to be set for IPv6 traffic.


It is possible, of course, to use rule-sets and rules to control exactly when NAT applies rather than using the NAT setting on the PPPoE config. However, if the PPPoE connection only has one IPv4 address assigned, as is often the case, then setting NAT on the PPPoE config is usually the simplest way to achieve the configuration.

7.4.6. NAT with Dongles

Just as with PPPoE, there is a NAT setting which will cause traffic sent via the dondle to have NAT set by default, unless overridden by firewall rules. However, in the case of a dongle it is so rare to have a block of IPv4 addresses the NAT setting is enabled by default in the dongle configuration.


The NAT setting on a dongle will not cause NAT to be set for IPv6 traffic.


It is possible, of course, to use rule-sets and rules to control exactly when NAT applies rather than using the NAT setting on the dongle config. However, if the dongle connection only has one IPv4 address assigned, as is usually the case, then setting NAT on the dongle config is usually the simplest way to achieve the configuration.

7.4.7. NAT with other types of external routing

Where NAT is needed for other types of external routing, you can set NAT using explict rule-sets and rules. A simple rule-set at the end of all rule-sets can easily be set up to identify traffic being sent to a specific target interface and set the NAT setting.


It is recommended that you use PPPoE where possible rather than an external router which may additionally perform an additional layer of NAT.

7.4.8. Mixing NAT and non NAT

In some cases you may have a combination of real routed IPv4 addresses and some RFC1918 private addresses. These could be on different interfaces and subnets.

Typically in such cases you want to use NAT for external communications only when using the private addresses, but non-NAT when using the public addresses. The logic can be complicated where there may be fallback arrangements, such as a dongle, which may have to use NAT for all traffic even the normally public routed addresses if the dongle does not have routing for these addresses.

The recommended way to handle this is a rule-set at the end of rule-sets for handling NAT, in which a specific rule is created to match traffic being sent to the external interface (e.g. PPPoE) which is from an RFC1918 address and setting NAT mode in such cases. Using this arrangement ensures that traffic internally between RFC1918 and public IP addresses can continue without using NAT internally.


For fallback arrangements such as a dongle where all traffic needs to use NAT, simply set the NAT mode on the dongle configuration. This saves having more complex rule-sets to handle the fallback case.

7.4.9. Carrier grade NAT

Carrier grade NAT (CGN) is where an ISP provides end users with a private address and provides a further level of NAT in the network (within the carrier).

Ideally you should try and make use Internet connections without CGN, but if you have to then you are likely to encounter additional issues with NAT. CGNs do often include some ALGs, but they bring all of the issues with NAT to a new level. As ever we recommend using PPPoE to avoid an extra layer of NAT in a broadband router.

In some cases the FireBrick may be expected to provide a carrier level of NAT in terms of number of sessions handled. Whilst the FireBrick does not have any ALGs, it can be very effective, and it supports overloading of ports. This means that the allocation of ports for NAT allows multiple sessions that are to different target IP addresses and ports to come from the same port on the FireBrick, allowing use of the same port multiple times. This allows a lot more sessions that would otherwise be expected based on number of TCP and UDP ports available. This overloading of ports is automatic and part of the way the FireBrick handles NAT.

7.4.10. Using NAT setting on subnets

For backwards compatibility with older FireBricks there is a NAT setting on the subnet config. The idea is that a subnet defined as an RFC1918 private block can simply be tagged as NAT. The effect is that any traffic from that subnet has NAT set by default. Again, this can be overridden by firewall rules.


The problem with this method is that all traffic from the subnet is NAT, even if to another subnet on the same FireBrick, and this is often not the case. This can be useful in very simple configurations where the FireBrick only has the one private subnet, but in most cases it is better to set NAT on a PPPoE or dongle interface and not use the NAT setting on the subnet configuration.