
show flash contents — Print a list of what is currently stored in the internal Flash memory.


show flash contents


The FB2700 uses internal Flash memory to store various items of data and software program code. A Flash memory is divided into blocks, with a typical block size of 128KiB. Each item that the FB2700 stores in the Flash memory occupies a distinct set of one or more blocks, depending on the size of the item.

This command lists what is stored in the Flash, in order of ascending block numbers.

For each item, the following information is printed :-

  • "Blocks" : the block number(s) occupied by the item.
  • "Type" : the type of information in this item
  • "Seq/Flashtime" : sequence-number or timestamp of when the item was written to the Flash memory.
  • "Prio/Pen" : cost metric **TBC?**
  • "Name" : for software, this is the name of the image, which will include the version number


This shows part of a listing, showing a Bootloader, the Flash log space, and two software application images :-

marty> sh f c
  Blocks       Type  Seq/Flashtime  Prio/Pen Name
     0-1      Image 12/09/11 12:54       0/0 BOOTLOAD Dimity (V1.03.001
      20   BootInfo              1           (unnamed)
      21     SysLog              1           System Flash Log page
      22     SysLog              2           System Flash Log page
   23-27  SignedExe 01/06/11 11:06    1000/0 FB2700 Marmaduke (V0.06.001
   28-32  SignedExe 20/06/11 13:36    1000/0 FB2700 Randolph (V0.08.001