show subnets show subnet <integer>
You can list all current subnets, or details of a specific subnet. This shows the same information as the web status pages for subnets.
ping <IPNameAddr> [table=<routetable>] [source=<IPAddr>] [gateway=<IPAddr>] [flow=<unsignedShort>] [count=<positiveInteger>] [ttl=<unsignedByte>] [size=<unsignedShort>] [xml=<boolean>] traceroute <IPNameAddr> [table=<routetable>] [source=<IPAddr>] [gateway=<IPAddr>] [flow=<unsignedShort>] [count=<positiveInteger>] [ttl=<unsignedByte>] [size=<unsignedShort>] [xml=<boolean>]
This sends a series of ICMP echo requests (ping) to a specified destination and confirms a response is received and the round trip time. For the traceroute variant, the TTL/Hopcount is increased by one each time to show a series of response hops. There are a number of controls allowing you to fine tune what is sent. Obviously you should only send from a source address that will return to the FB2500 correctly. You can also ask for the results to be presented in an XML format.
Where possible, the reverse DNS name is shown next to replies, but there is (deliberately) no delay waiting for DNS responses, so you may find it useful to run a trace a second time as results from the first attempt will be cached.
show route <IPPrefix> [table=<routetable>]
Shows details of a route in the routing table. Where an individual IP is used, the route that would be used is shown, but if a specifiy prefix is used then that specific route is shown even if there may be more specific routes in use.
show routes [<IPFilter>] [table=<routetable>]
Lists routes in the routing table, limited to those that match the filter if specified.
show route nexthop [<IPAddr>]
List the next hop addresses currently in use and their status.
show dhcp [<IP4Addr>] [table=<routetable>]
Shows DHCP allocations, with option to show details for specific allocation.
clear dhcp [ip=<IP4Range>] [table=<routetable>]
Allows you to remove one or more DHCP allocations.
lock dhcp ip=<IP4Addr> [table=<routetable>]
Locks a DHCP allocation. This stops the allocation being used for any other MAC address even if long expired.
unlock dhcp ip=<IP4Addr> [table=<routetable>]
Unlocks a DHCP allocation, allowing the address to be re-used if the expired.
name dhcp ip=<IP4Addr> [name=<string>] [table=<routetable>]
Allows you to set a name for a DHCP allocation, overridding the clientname that was sent.
show arp show arp <IPAddr>
Shows details of ARP and Neighbour discovery cache.