Graphs can be accessed by http using the normal web management interface. This can be used as a direct link from a web browser, or using common tools such as curl and wget.
The web management interface (services/http) define the port, and allowed user list and also a trusted IP access list. The CQM config defines a secret which is used to authorise untrusted access using an SHA1 hash in the URL.
All CQM URLs are in the /cqm/ path.
To access a graph you simply need to request the URL that is the graph name, followed by the file extension. E.g. http://host:port/cqm/circuit.png.
Table I.1. File types
Extn | Format |
png | PNG image |
csv | COMMA separated values list |
tsv | TAB separated values list |
txt | SPACE separated values list |
xml | XML data |
Without any date the data returned is the latest. For csv it is all data points available. For graph it is the last 24 to 25 hours.
You can display data for a specific date. This only makes sense for today, and during the first couple of hours of the day you can get yesterday in full.
The syntax is that of a date first in the form YYYY-MM-DD/, e.g. http://host:port/cqm/YYYY-MM-DD/circuit.png.
Authenticate access requires a prefix of a hex sha1 string. e.g. http://host:port/cqm/longhexsha1/circuit.png or http://host:port/cqm/longhexsha1/YYYY-MM-DD/circuit.png.
The SHA1 is 40 character hex of the SHA1 hash made from the graph name, the date, and the http-secret. The date is in the form YYYY-MM-DD, and is today's date for undated access (based on local time).
This means a graph URL can be composed that is valid for a specific graph name for a specific day.
Note that an MD5 can also be used instead but the SHA1 is the preferred method.